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Ji-Sung Park scores in charity match (

27 dec 2004 - Source:

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A charity match was played in South Korea by 42 star footballers last Sunday for the benefit of children with cancer. Over 140, 000 euros were raised. The final score of the match, played in the Munhak World Cup Stadium, was a 6-6 draw.A crowd of some 20, 000 saw Myung-Bo Hong, the former captain of the Koreans national team, lead an experienced side, with among other players PSV forward Ji-Sung Park, unto the pitch. Park was one of many goal scorers of this charity match. Invited by the event’s organizer, the Hong Myung-bo Scholarship Foundation, 30 pediatric cancer patients watched the game from the skybox of the stadium, along with 200 other underprivileged children. Before the game began, players entered the stadium in Santa Claus and Rudolph costumes, paired with the young patients.(source: Korean Times)